Lift Up, Oh Lord

Based on Psalm 113, to the tune O SALUTARIS HOSTIA (“O Saving Victim, Opening Wide”):

From heaven's height the Lord looks down
upon the earth beneath us crushed,
on bonfire rage and tempest drown
and beggars beaten down to dust.

Lift up, oh Lord, from ash and grit
those ground beneath oppression's heel.
Lift up; let them with princes sit
as kings before your glory kneel.

Lift up, oh Lord, our hearts ashamed
and all our barren places fill.
Lift up our heads to praise your name
who feel your mercy's workings still.

From east to west, from rise to set
of sun and stars and circling moon
may praise be sung and none forget
the God who makes our night as noon.
Gott Vater, Mosaik, Wiedner Hauptstraße 14, Wien-Wieden By Buchhändler – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

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