Flesh and Blood

Flesh and blood for flesh and blood,
wounded for the wounded ones.
Mercy poured on us in flood:
From the chalice rim it runs.

God-with-us, incarnate Word,
hands and eyes and breath like ours,
stands here on the spinning world,
keeping time with our own hearts.

As if this were not enough—
skin-shawled heaven walking earth—
still in overflowing love
you remain, defiant of death.

From your fullness we receive
gift on gift and grace on grace.
More than mind or heart conceive,
soul and body have a taste.

More than hope could dare or dream,
now we hold you, masked as bread:
you who led us, who redeemed,
taken as the world is fed.

You who made us flesh and blood
shared with us this lifelong need.
We have shared in heaven's food:
Make us bread, your world to feed.

Kremikovtsi Monastery fresco (15th century) depicting the Last Supper celebrated by Jesus and his disciples. The early Christians too would have celebrated this meal to commemorate Jesus’ death and subsequent resurrection. By Edal Anton Lefterov – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=15129262

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