
Unfathomed depths we cannot sound
where deep calls out to deep,
within you only am I found
if you are found in me.

As if my little could contain
the one who holds the world—
and yet, O welcome one, remain.
You promised it of old.

Then if I search my shallowness,
you meet me in my heart,
and if I venture to your depths
I find myself, O God.

My being: Savior, take and clasp,
and I would take you so,
not as a treasure I can grasp
or something I could know,

but as you are, a mystery
known only to yourself.
Known, knowing, knower: trinity
by which I know myself.

Then dwell in me, O triune one,
and I will dwell in you.
A pas de deux, the kingdom come,
as you make all things new.

Renaissance painting by Jerónimo Cosida depicting Jesus as a triple deity Inner text: The Father is God; the Son is God; the Holy Spirit is God By Creator:Jerónimo Cosida – Own work, photograph by Revolware, 2008, Public Domain,

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