
In the shadows of the garden,
I've been hiding in the leaves.
If you see, how will you pardon?
I am Adam; I am Eve.
I am Jonah bound for Tarshish,
but the sea brings no relief.
I am stiff-necked and hard-hearted,
and I'm hanging like a thief.

When you call, how can I answer?
I am naked to your sight.
Do not look at me, O Master;
do not turn on me your eyes.
I have loved the works of shadows;
I have told the world my lies.
All my making is disaster,
and I cannot bear your light.

Further to the shadows driven,
yet you call me, and I come,
and the hands that I have riven
still reach out for me with love.
Like a Father for his children,
you have mercy on our dust.
All there is is this forgiveness;
this is all there ever was.
Fall of man  Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie ;;;fot. By After Albrecht Dürer – National Museum in Warsaw, Public Domain,

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