
Based on Psalm 144:

Though I will pass like shadow,
leave nothing when I go,
you train my hands for battle,
my fingers for the bow.

When enemies surround me,
O Lord, come down to me
like fire upon the mountains,
like lightning on the sea.

Without you, I am helpless
at home or in the field,
but you have been my refuge
and you will be my shield.

Then in the press come guide me,
lest in the depths I drown.
If you will stand beside me
I fear not to go down.

The poor will have your justice,
as sure as birds have wings;
you give bread to the hungry
and victory to kings.

Give me, O God, my freedom
and give to me your light.
A new song I will sing you
who trained me for this fight.

Iron Age bronze shield, known as the Battersea Shield By BabelStone, 21 August 2010, CC0,

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